Construction Materials Testing & Engineering

The building’s safety and structural performance strongly depend on the appropriate placement and fitting of a variety of construction materials through the construction schedule which is beyond the walls and flooring finishes. A finished building is much more than what sees the eye. For property value and return on an owner’s investment motivating factor is long-term building performance. Construction Materials Testing also performs an essential role in maintaining your project on schedule, within budget, and safe. The owner, builders, and engineers cannot have an assurance that the quality of construction connects the project needs, without construction materials testing and surveillance.

A structure’s success starts with the foundation support material. Before breaking ground on new development. Our company provides Geotechnical Subsurface Soil Inspections to discover the correctness and condition of a given site. You can budget for potential construction problems, and plan for a popular project because this due diligence service permits you to be concerned about potential risks with improving the site. Subsurface materials are examined for their swell, strength, and settlement properties at the time of exploration. To relieve risks the site may present to your project Site-specific proposals are offered.

In-depth experience in construction material properties, construction processes, geotechnical engineering, geology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics is necessary to effectively diagnose problems and challenges that may arise during construction and to identify possible solutions in the field. Timely service and verbal communication skills are required to effectively communicate our conclusions so that the owner/design team can make decisions accordingly.

To pro-aggressively describe the owner of potential known/unknown risks that may later result in construction complexity or delay, Falcon lab technicians examine the site conditions related to the soils report. To offer engineering solutions for construction/design problems that may occur, our construction materials technicians immediately coordinate with our in-house Geotechnical Engineering staff. Our CMT technicians need a distinctive variety of knowledge and skill to recognize the application of a huge range of construction materials. To confirm the appropriate selection of material, appropriate placement, and sufficient compaction, we actively operate soil moisture and intensity testing. If the soil is untested then there is a significant risk of future movement that may cause breaking or worse in foundations, sidewalks, floors, and walls. Structural cracking problems can substantially decrease property value and are costly and hard to fix properly.


Construction material testing labs are essential before a company starts construction. The building’s safety and structural performance strongly depend on the appropriate placement and fitting of a variety of construction materials through the construction schedule which is beyond the walls and flooring finishes.

Published by falconlabuae1234

FALCON LABORATORY is a UAE based independent testing laboratory aiming towards full commitment in quality and providing the highest standard services in the building evolution of UAE. We provides Geotechnical investigation, Chemical & Biological, Nondestructive Testing Services, and Specialty Testing and suppliers from around the UAE have enabled Falcon Labs to satisfy the needs of a wide variety of clients around UAE.

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